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  • Rental Policies & Procedures

  • When is Rent Due?

    Rent is always due on the 1st of every month. Rent payments must be paid in full at all times to avoid a late fee. Past balances are considered rent due. For example, if you owe a balance in addition to rent, on the 1st the full amount is due, with the payment being applied first to the previous balance. To further break this down, if on June 15th you were billed $41.50 for a maintenance repair you were responsible for, and on July 1st you only paid your regular rent payment, your rent payment would be considered $41.50 short.  

    Paying Rent on Time is a BIG DEAL. No excuses.

    Rent is due on the 1st of each month, and it is solely your responsibility to be sure your rent gets to us in time. You will need to plan ahead to be sure you pay your rent on time. We understand that sometimes you may need a little more time; therefore, we give an additional 5 days’ grace period each month for instances when you cannot pay by the 1st.

    If you do not pay your rent by the 5th of the month, this is what to expect:

    • On the 6th, $25 will be added to your total due.
    • On the 6th, you will be given Eviction Notice, at which time you have 3 days to pay your rent and late fees in full, or you will have to move.
    • By the 10th, if we have still not received your rent payment and late fees, you will be evicted.

    What’s Going to Happen if You Are Late with Rent

    • It gets expensive! Plan ahead to avoid costly late fees.
    • Eviction will be filed on you immediately.
    • When you are evicted, it goes on your permanent record, and it will be extremely difficult to find another home to rent.
    • When you are evicted, you are billed for our attorney's costs.
    • When you are evicted, you create a substantial monetary judgment against you, which if remains unpaid is sent to a collection agency and affects your credit and credibility.


    In the event Tenant’s check is dishonored and returned unpaid for any reason to Landlord, Tenant agrees to pay a returned check charge of $50.00 AND accept whatever consequences there might be in making a late payment. If for any reason a check is returned or dishonored, all future rent payments will be cash or money order.


    Your lease outlines our policies in detail, so please be sure to become familiar with them to avoid a phone call or worse, termination of your tenancy. Below are the policies that we would especially like you to remember.

    No Smoking

    One of the reasons you were chosen as a tenant is because you do not smoke. We do not allow smoking in any rental or within 20 feet of our buildings. Smoke permeates and damages ceilings, carpets, walls, and floor coverings. You will be held liable for any smoke-related damage within the rental.

    No Pets

    Pets are not allowed without written approval from the landlord and are subject to additional fees. If you intend to hide a pet within your unit, please reconsider to avoid causing your own eviction.

    Window Coverings

    Bed sheets or other similar objects may not be used as curtains or window coverings. Broken blinds must be replaced immediately. If we notice your blinds are broken, we will hire a contractor to install new ones at your expense.


    Decks/balconies must remain clear of debris, garbage, bicycles, toys, furniture, tarps, and other clutter. Do not use your balcony as storage or to dry clothes. Decks/balconies are meant for your enjoyment. A barbecue, lawn furniture, and small plants are the only acceptable items. Failure to abide by this policy may result in termination of your tenancy.

    Noise Levels

    Out of respect for your neighbors, please keep all noise to a minimum. Your neighbors are entitled to the quiet enjoyment of their home at all times.


    Occupancy is limited to ONLY the people we listed on the lease agreement. If you decide to get a roommate after you move in or you have a guest staying for more than 14 consecutive days, you must notify us, and they must fill out an application and go through our approval process. All occupants must meet our screening standards. Keep in mind there is an occupancy limit for the home you rent.

    Notice to Vacate

    When you decide to move, remember to first take a look at the terms in your rental agreement or lease for how to proceed. If you are on a month-to-month rental agreement, you must give a minimum of 20 days’ written notice before the end of the month. If you have a lease, you must give a minimum of 30 days’ written notice before the expiration of your lease.




    Please call us promptly with any maintenance requests. Your home has been thoroughly cleaned and inspected for any maintenance issues prior to your taking occupancy. However, we do not live in the home and therefore will not be aware when you have a future maintenance concern unless you tell us. It is 100% your responsibility to report maintenance issues.

    Here is a list of items we want to know about immediately:

    1. Mold (within 48 hours)
    2. Drippy faucets, drippy pipes, or “running” toilets (within 48 hours)
    3. Moisture where there should be none (roof, under the sink, etc.)

    Your Repair Responsibility

    Mold (from living conditions): Mold will grow if given the opportunity. Keep your home clean and dry, with adequate ventilation and air movement. This means making sure all rooms receive heat and airflow on a consistent basis. Immediately clean up any sign of mold or mildew growth to prevent damage to the building. This includes behind furniture, in windows, in corners of walls, etc.

    (Some) Leaks: You are responsible for leaks caused by misuse or neglect (such as knocking drain lines loose). Report all leaks immediately, as they can become a very big problem very quickly.

    Faucets/knobs: Faucets and knobs can break easily if not handled properly.

    Broken windows, blinds, doors, glass, locks, or any other damage caused directly/indirectly by you or your guests.

    Light bulbs: These are your responsibility to replace.              

    Clogged toilets, bathtubs, sinks, and other drains.

    Unreported repair needs that lead to preventable damage, such as:

    • Mold: Once again, mold and mildew will grow if given the opportunity. It is your responsibility to prevent mold and mildew and to clean it up at the first sign to avoid costly liability. If you do not kill mold and mildew immediately, it will continue to spread, leading to damage, damage that could have been prevented, therefore making you liable for the repair.
    • Rot/damage from leaks: It is your responsibility to report all drippy faucets and pipe leaks within 48 hours. Non-reported leaks lead to damage that could have been prevented, therefore making you liable for the cost to repair the damage.

    What is Emergency Maintenance?

    An emergency maintenance problem is something that if not taken care of IMMEDIATELY will cause significant damage. Emergencies usually involve water or fire. If it involves fire, call 911.

    Fire: Call the Fire Department immediately.
    A/C Repair: A/C repair is not considered an emergency by Tennessee law, but we do want to have it taken care of immediately. You may call the emergency line to report your A/C being out and we will submit the work order immediately. However, we cannot guarantee that the vendors will be able to get out quickly, because it is not considered an emergency by Tennessee law and they do run on a skeleton staff over the weekend and after hours.
    Clogged toilet or drain: This is your responsibility if the clog is caused by resident. After invoice is received from vendor and problem is determined, resident charge will be added to the account if necessary. Pipe broken/leaking: Turn off water valve to pipe or exterior water main until plumber arrives.
    No hot water: Not an emergency – use temporary measures until normal business hours and we will handle your request as soon as possible.
    No electricity: Only considered an emergency if 1.) Resident has called the electric company and found out they were not at fault. 2.) After Resident has checked all the breakers by flipping them hard to the OFF position and then back on, and reset all GFI circuits in the house. Partial outages are not an emergency! If a wall switch or outlet begins to smoke or smell, remove all plugs and turn off switch. If necessary, call the fire department.

    Lock Policy:

    No additional locks will be installed on any door without the written permission of Landlord. Landlord will be given duplicate keys for all locks so installed at tenants’ expense, before they are installed.


    Should tenants lock themselves out of their dwelling and be unable to gain access through their own resources, they may call upon professional locksmith or the Owners to let them in. In either case, they are responsible for payment of the charges and/or damages involved. Owners charge a fee of $20.00 for providing this service between the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, excepting holidays, and a fee of $40.00 for all other times. This fee is due and payable when the service is provided.

    Appliance failure: Refrigerator out, oven not working, dishwasher not working, etc. are not considered emergencies and will be handled only during normal business hours. Ledbetter Rentals management is not responsible for loss of food or alternative lodging due to appliance failure.